Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health

ACR advocates radiology’s perspective to the federal government with respect to artificial intelligence (AI) and digital health policy issues, including advocating for AI safety and effectiveness, technology innovation and data sharing.

Radiation Safety and Medical Use

ACR advocates radiology’s perspective to the federal government on medical radiation safety issues, such radiological materials licensing, authorized use, and drug/device oversight and availability to patients.

Federal Appropriations

ACR advocates for the highest possible funding levels for radiology and imaging related research to ensure medical progress and advancements in the field. Support for radiology research, including a wide range of diagnostics, treatments, and therapeutics are shared with congressional and government leaders, along with academic and research policies.

Public Health and Population Screening

ACR advocates radiology’s perspective to the federal government concerning radiology related public health concerns, including population screening, guidelines and programs.

For older public record documents from ACR to federal agencies please refer to, or contact Michael Peters, Senior Director, Government Affairs, or Katie Grady, Government Affairs Director.