Empower your practice with convenient online peer review.
Understanding RADPEER
Using a secure website, you submit your scores and report acquisition to RADPEER. When analyzing a new case, if there are earlier images of the same area of interest, you may develop an opinion about the previous interpretation while reviewing the new study. If the previous interpretation was scored, this qualifies as a peer review event.
The previous interpretation is scored with a standardized rating scale. No additional interpretation is required on the part of the physician.

Peer Review
RADPEER offers peer review for routine imaging interpretation that’s easy and affordable. Once you submit practice data, a group chair or medical director can access reports securely online. RADPEER reports summarize:
Apply for RADPEERStatistics and comparisons by modality for each participating physician.
Group data per modality.
Data across all RADPEER participants.
Pricing Information
The annual participation fee is based on the number of participants.
Have questions?
Submit a support ticket or contact the RADPEER Team: 703-715-3490
Learn more about the RADPEER process and requirements.
RADPEER Instructions
Find instructions, user guides, fee schedules and more for your participation in RADPEER.