O-RADS™ Ultrasound
O-RADS US offers imaging and clinical management recommendations with risk assessment categories to optimize patient outcomes.

Current Release
O-RADS US v2022 was updated in November 2022 and is available on the web and for download.
Download PDFUltrasound is the primary imaging modality of the female pelvis which allows adequate evaluation of most adnexal lesions using transvaginal and transabdominal technique. The O-RADS US lexicon uses terms supported in the literature and by the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) group to describe ovarian/adnexal lesions and assign a risk of malignancy. Imaging and clinical management recommendations accompany the risk assessment categories to optimize patient outcomes.
Further reading:
Putting O-RADS US to Work
Request Permission for O-RADS
Additional Educational Information
O-RADS US Literature
- External Validation of O-RADS US and IOTA 2-Step Strategy
- Review of O-RADS US Validation Studies
- Diagnostic Performance of O-RADS US in the USA
- O-RADS US - A User’s Guide from the AJR Special Series on RADS
- Original O-RADS US Risk Stratification and Management System
- Original O-RADS US Lexicon White Paper
License Information
Reporting and Data Systems (RADS) by the American College of Radiology are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available by using our permission form. Contact us: rads@acr.org