Collaborative Guidelines
Endorsements and collaborative efforts with other medical specialty societies
ACR® supports collaboration with medical societies that develop clinical practice guidelines, appropriate use criteria, position statements and other communications related to the practice of diagnostic imaging, medical physics, interventional radiology and radiation oncology. We view such collaborations as an opportunity to improve the delivery of patient care and to provide clarity in communicating good medical practices for patients and other stakeholders.
We prefer to be actively engaged in the development or revision of documents, especially if the goal is ACR endorsement. Engaging ACR representatives in discussions about scope, recommendations and clinical issues facilitates the endorsement process.
ACR endorses clinical matters related to diagnostic imaging, medical physics, interventional radiology and radiation oncology only. We require a minimum of 30 days for considering endorsement of documents organized by other societies.
Organizations seeking ACR participation on clinical, practice guidance or other documents may submit requests by first completing the Collaborative Requests Form.
What We Endorse
Types of documents typically considered for collaboration or endorsement.

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ACR Practice Parameters & Technical Standards
Promote the safe and effective use of diagnostic and therapeutic radiology by describing specific training, skills and techniques.
View PP&TS

ACR Appropriateness Criteria®
These evidence-based guidelines assist referring physicians and other providers in making the most appropriate imaging or treatment decision for a specific clinical condition.
Access AC