Learn AI basics.

Accelerating the development and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve patient care.

Empower Your Practice with Healthcare AI
Find essential tools to learn the basics of AI and participate directly in the development, validation and use of healthcare AI solutions.

Advance Your Knowledge andContribute to the Field
ACR AI-LAB provides a free vendor-neutral framework radiologists can use to:
Research ways to use AI in your practices.
Collaborate with developers and radiologists.
Contribute to the development of AI models for diagnostic imaging.
Design AI models tailored to your local patient population.
Data Privacy: Protecting Patient Health Information
Help us ensure that the AI-powered future of radiology is safe, secure and attuned to our shared code of ethics.
Although some medical specialties have successfully implemented AI models, widespread adoption in daily clinical practice is still in the future. Several ethical and technical challenges lie ahead, requiring peer review to ensure efficacy and patient safety.
AI models are most effective when trained across a large and diverse array of clinical data. However, data-sharing outside an institution presents challenges due to patient privacy issues. ACR AI-LAB provides developers access to a wider data set to train their AI models, improving algorithm diversity and reducing bias.