Melissa M. Chen, MD
Department of Neuroradiology, Division of Diagnostic ImagingMD Anderson, Houston, TXRLI Resident Milestones Program
An Economics Primer for Radiology Residents
The price for this program is $200 per resident with a minimum of four residents per program. The ACR is committed to offering top-quality, affordable training to residents and aims to ensure the next generation of radiologists are prepared to enter the field of radiology.
Course Overview
Enrolling your residents in the RLI Resident Milestones Program gives them a collaborative and active learning experience that helps fulfill ACGME requirements and contributes to the development of well-rounded radiologists.
All you need is a local faculty member who can serve as a point-person and facilitate local activities with support and guidance from the RLI Milestones faculty.
Residents will learn how radiologists get paid through private and federally funded insurance programs, develop practical skills such as coding and gain perspective on how payment reforms and emerging technologies might affect practice in the future.
Key Features
- Turn-key for program directors.
- Helps satisfy the ACGME's Physician Role in Health Care Systems sub-competency (part of the Systems-Based Practice competency).
- Works with busy resident schedules.
Developed in partnership with healthcare economics experts and radiology residency program directors, the RLI Resident Milestones Program:
- Supplies all learning materials.
- Features top-tier radiologist experts as facilitators.
- Connects your residents to peers at other institutions.
- Conducts assessments to measure each resident’s competency and participation.
Have questions?
Over seven months, residents will spend about 30 hours on coursework: watching videos and reading articles, small group activities and discussions and live webinar presentations.
The program is organized into five blocks. During each, residents complete four interactive components to ensure deep learning and a comprehensive understanding of the topics and their practical application in today’s radiology reality.
- Block A: September–October 2024
- Block B: October–November 2024
- Block C: December 2024–January 2025
- Block D: January–February 2025
- Block E: February–March 2025

Program Chair
Course Faculty

Lauren P. Nicola, MD, FACR
Summerfield, NCChair, Commission on Ultrasound
Kurt A. Schoppe, MD
PresidentFort Worth, TX
Colin Segovis, MD, PhD