Receive specialty and resident-level specific exams to administer at the end of each rotation, including pre-call, non-interpretative skills and physics exams.
Equip your radiology residency program with the tools to confidently prepare for ACGME-required formative assessment.
Why RadExam?
The American College of Radiology® (ACR®) created RadExam® in collaboration with the Association of Program Directors in Radiology (APDR) to provide examinations and iterative testing that empower and prepare the next generation of radiologists.
Each exam contains high-quality, peer-reviewed psychometrically validated multiple choice questions to meet all national and institutional comparative performance benchmarks. With RadExam, your residents can:
- Assess their knowledge base as they move through their rotations.
- Compare their results with other R-level residents at the local and national levels.

How to Get Started
RadExam is offered as part of a residency training program package, along with the DXIT exam. You must sign up to access the exams. Here's how:
Become a Test Writer
As a RadExam Test Writer, you'll learn how to write high-quality psychometrically validated questions. We assign annual awards based on the number of questions you write, which you can include in your faculty portfolio.
Information for Program Directors and Coordinators
Graphically displayed results let you compare institutional and national data at the individual and program level, which are critical for CCC and PEC reviews.
Includes at least one per R level per speciality, modality specific exams in physics and non-interpretive skills. Review exam content, schedule exams, review and compare results immediately, track results and compare results to other institutions.
Build your own exams using our questions database, change resident demographics and send automatic emails to update residents. You'll also be able to assign faculty specific access permissions and reset exams.
More Resources to Get Started
Get an inside look to see how to use the RadExam library and make your own exams.
Sample Performance Reports
Get a preview of data and easy-to-navigate reporting available on RadExam.
Dashboard Data

Institutional Comparison Data

Individual Resident Data

Scores by Section