Understand the costs associated with imaging examinations to make informed decisions.
Promoting value-based patient care with appropriate imaging and clinical decision support.

Unlock the Value of Radiology-TEACHES
Radiology-TEACHES® features a range of case vignettes integrated with the ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Portal (AC Portal). Through these modules, participants receive clinical decision-support education built on evidence-based content. Learners can practice ordering imaging studies and receive immediate feedback on appropriate image utilization.
Learn how to appropriately utilize imaging to realize the best outcomes for your patients.
Develop a streamlined workflow for the safest imaging workup, prioritizing patient well-being.
Receive evidence-based feedback that sharpens your clinical judgment and decision making.
Elevate your practice by providing high-quality, value-based patient care that meets today’s healthcare demands.
Radiology-TEACHES Modules
Students can easily self-register for Radiology-TEACHES. Simply select a module and complete the registration form below, which will instantly launch the module.
Students should complete the module in one sitting, which takes approximately 30 minutes. Exiting the module will require the student to restart from the beginning. To receive a certificate of completion via email, students must complete a survey at the end of the module.
Practice using appropriate imaging within clinical scenarios focused on family and community medicine topics.
Practice using appropriate imaging within clinical scenarios focused on within internal medicine topics.
Understand the use of contrast in imaging and practice clinical scenarios involving the use of contrast and the safety implications.
Understand sustainability through appropriate imaging and the environmental impact of radiology.
Additional Documentation
- Radiology-TEACHES Student Email Template
- Imaging Wisely: An Introduction to the ACR Appropriateness Criteria and Analysis of Its Impact on Internal Medicine Trainees
- A Multimedia Strategy to Integrate Introductory Broad-Based Radiation Science Education in US Medical Schools
- An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cur(i)e
- Multisite Implementation of Radiology-TEACHES (Technology-Enhanced Appropriateness Criteria Home for Education Simulation)
- The Right Tools: Radiologists Can Improve the Appropriateness of Image Ordering, Transforming Patient Care and Driving Down Costs
- Teaching Imaging Appropriateness: A Simulation-Based Educational Program Increases Medical Students’ Abilities to Identify Appropriate Imaging
- Clinical Decision Support at the Point-of-Order Entry: An Education Simulation Pilot With Medical Students
Frequently Asked Questions

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Contact Us
For questions or assistance about the Radiology-TEACHES program
Bridging the GapBetween Education and Practice

Radiology-TEACHES fulfills the AAMC Core Entrustable Professional Activities.
Download the full listTeaching and mentoring is one of the most important things we can do for future generations“I am volunteering for this because I was also a medical student and resident just like everyone else, and I remember how important it was to have good, reliable and useful resources from which to study. Having access to excellent resources significantly improves our training and our skills as physicians. Teaching and mentoring is one of the most important things we can do for future generations, and it allows us to leave an impact on those that will join the practice of medicine. I have had many mentors who have helped me along my journey, and I could not have done it without them. Now it is my turn to return that to others.”