The American College of Radiology® (ACR®) presented physician work and/or practice expense recommendations for five radiology codes at the January 2023 American Medical Association (AMA)/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) meeting. The codes pertained to neuromuscular ultrasound, dorsal sacroiliac joint arthrodesis and fractional flow reserve with computed tomography (FFRCT). Surveying and presenting these codes involved multispecialty collaboration.
ACR RUC Advisor Lauren Nicola, MD, and Andrew Moriarity, MD, the ACR Alternate RUC Advisor, presented the codes to the panelists, addressing questions related to the typical patient and how the procedures are performed. William Donovan, MD, MPH, represented Radiology on the RUC Panel. Also in attendance were ACR guests Gregory Nicola, MD, FACR, and Madelene Lewis, MD. Michael Booker, MD, the RSNA RUC Advisor, represented radiology on the Practice Expense Subcommittee. ACR appreciates these members for their countless hours of volunteer leadership and advocating for fair valuation of codes across medicine.
The AMA also shared an update on their practice cost data collection process. They anticipate that this two-year survey effort will launch in 2023 and be completed by the end of 2024. The ACR is monitoring the discussions and engaging with AMA, as appropriate.
Discussions from the RUC meetings are confidential. The time, value and practice expense recommendations approved at the RUC will be shared with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for consideration in their 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule rulemaking cycle.
The College is looking ahead to the April 2023 RUC meeting and anticipates launching any survey(s) for radiology codes by early March. For more information, please contact
Stephanie Le, ACR Director, Economic Policy.