Feb. 28, 2024

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently responded to a December Multi-Specialty Contractor Advisory Committee (CAC) Engagement Coalition letter. The letter addressed inaction on the coalition’s proposed recommendations to strengthen local coverage determination processes and failure to address concerns shared during previous meetings with CMS.

Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, administrator of CMS, acknowledged in the response the importance of meaningful engagement with the provider community and the importance of ensuring local coverage policies are developed and updated in an inclusive, informed and transparent manner. CMS agreed to meet with the coalition in the coming weeks to discuss potential solutions to issues raised and proposed recommendations.

American College of Radiology® (ACR®) CAC Network staff and leaders are active participants of the CAC Engagement Coalition and continue to advocate for improvements to the local coverage development process. The CAC provides a formal mechanism for healthcare professionals about the evidence used in developing LCD and promotes communications between the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) and the healthcare community.

Parallel to these efforts, the American Medical Association (AMA) sent a letter to CMS reiterating concerns with the local coverage determination processes and offering ways to improve the integrity and accuracy of Medicare coverage determinations that will improve patient access to care and safety in the process.

If you have questions or want more information about local coverage policies and activities, contact Alicia Blakey, ACR Principal Economic Policy Analyst.

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