March 11, 2025
In 2023, CMS began transitioning from participation in the traditional MIPS program to MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) in an effort to reduce the measure reporting burden (e.g., overall time spent toward activities related to clinical documentation, time spent in clinical review, administrative tasks, etc.) and to streamline and simplify MIPS-eligible clinicians’ measure selection and reporting experience.

CMS requires measures and activities included in MVPs be linked by a condition or specialty topic so that care quality and associated costs can directly inform on value for patients and clinicians. Currently, radiologists participate in traditional MIPS because CMS has not finalized MVPs appropriate to the care they provide.

In fall 2024, CMS shared a draft of the diagnostic radiology MVP and met with ACR® measurement and economics leaders and staff. In response, the ACR submitted a letter with feedback on the draft MVP, suggesting additional measures to allow for participation by a wider range of MIPS-eligible radiologists.

More recently, ACR participated in the CMS 45-day public comment period that ended Jan. 24, providing comments on the proposed diagnostic and interventional radiology MVPs under consideration for 2026 rulemaking.

Read the ACR comments on diagnostic and interventional radiology MVPs.