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Ultrasound Accreditation Obstetrical Updates
Jan. 1, 2024
ACR Ultrasound Accreditation
Effective Jan. 1, 2024, cervical imaging requirements will be a part of the 1st trimester transvaginal examination. This is being implemented to be consistent with the uterine requirements that are a part of the female pelvis transvaginal examination and to ensure that sites performing 1st trimester transvaginal exams are including all anatomy related to the uterus.Please refer to the Exam Requirements: Obstetrical Ultrasound article for details. Be sure to carefully review the requirements before submitting testing items for accreditation review. Requirements are subject to change at any time. Please check ACR requirements frequently for updates.
If you have questions, please submit a support ticket. Select "Accreditation" for Support Team and "Ultrasound/NM/PET Technical" for Category.