Find an ACR-Accredited Imaging Facility
Use the search to find imaging facilities accredited by the ACR. The search covers all modalities and includes facilities whose applications are in progress. Whether you are a patient, provider or third-party payer, find the information critical to selecting the appropriate facility for imaging needs.
Download a list of all ACR®-accredited facilities
This list is not intended as, nor should this list be used for marketing or research purposes.
What Do the Seals Mean?
Some ACR-accredited facilities have received additional recognition. Look for the following seals in your search results.

A facility with this logo has been designated an ACR Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center by achieving accreditation in all breast imaging modalities.

The ACR Diagnostic Imaging Center of Excellence logo indicates that a facility delivers the highest levels of imaging quality, safety and care by surpassing standard accreditation requirements.

Image Gently® supporter logo indicates a facility accredited in pediatric CT imaging. Such facilities commit to imaging pediatric patients with appropriate radiation dose.

This seal indicates that a facility is an ACR Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center and has at least one accredited CT unit that meets the minimum requirements for acceptable lung cancer screening performance.

This seal indicates that a facility is an ACR Prostate Cancer MRI Designated Center and has at least one accredited MR unit that meets the minimum requirements for acceptable MR prostate exam performance.