Broaden Your Skills in Lung Cancer Screening

Increase your understanding of lung cancer screening and access tools to assist your practice and improve patient care.

  • Lung-Rads®

    Standardize your lung cancer screening CT reporting and management recommendations with the ACR Lung Imaging Reporting and Data System.

    Access the tool
    ACR Lung CT Screening Reporting & Data System
  • Lung Cancer Screening Registry

    Participate in the LCSR to compare your program’s performance measures with peers and identify areas for quality improvement.

    Participate now
    The Lung Cancer Screening Registry Logo - a grey R on a grey background, with the words "LCSR - Lung Cancer Screening Registry - National Radiology Data Registry"
  • ACR CT Accreditation

    Earn the ACR gold standard in CT accreditation to show that your facility meets the highest quality and safety standards in medical imaging.

    Apply or renew
    ACR Accredited Computed Tomography Facility gold seal
  • Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center

    Earn ACR Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center status and demonstrate to your referrers and patients that you provide safe, effective care.

    Learn more
    ACR-Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center
  • Lung Cancer Screening Education

    Equip your practice for patient-centered lung cancer screening while earning CME.

    Access now
    A man with grey hair enters a CT scanner feet-first as a technologist in a white coat offers support.
  • Dose Index Registry

    Compare your CT dose indices to regional and national values and receive comparison reports by body part and exam type.

    Participate now
    The Dose Index Registry Logo - a light teal R on a teal background, with the words "DIR - Dose Index Registry - National Radiology Data Registry"

Lung Cancer ScreeningLocator Tool

Help your patients locate a lung cancer screening program.

Male radiologic technologist looks at imaging monitors while a gowned patient prepares to undergo a CT lung cancer screening exam.

Downloadable Resources

Customizable Lung Cancer Screening Journey Map

Enhance your patient’s lung cancer screening experience with our customizable, double-sided Lung Cancer Screening Journey Map. This tool provides a clear, step-by-step outline of the screening process, guiding patients from eligibility to follow-up care. Customize, print and display it to offer patients valuable information on early detection.

Fillable Women’s Health Brochure

Every year, more women die of lung cancer than breast and ovarian cancers combined. Take a proactive step in promoting lung cancer awareness and early detection among women. This brochure is informative and customizable enabling your facility to add contact and website information, thereby making it uniquely yours.

Pink & Pearl Campaign

Early screening can be a life-saving step, and the Pink & Pearl Brochure aims to guide and support individuals on their journey to better health.

Incidental Findings One-Pager

Additional Patient Resources

Additional Provider Resources

Related ACR News

  • ACR Talking Points to Address Annals of Internal Medicine — Rates of Downstream Procedure and Complications in Lung Cancer Screening

    Read more
  • News

    No Cost Sharing for Preventive Services

    Some commercial payers are requiring patient co-payments for United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)-endorsed preventive services.

    Read more
ACR-Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center

ACR Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center

Join the elite

Demonstrate that your facility maintains excellence in operations, patient care and much more.

Find out how
The Lung Cancer Screening Registry Logo - a grey R on a grey background, with the words "LCSR - Lung Cancer Screening Registry - National Radiology Data Registry"

ACR Lung Cancer Screening Registry

Improve patient care

Help strengthen measurement and monitoring, especially for asymptomatic patients.

How to participate