November 30, 2023

ACRA Announces Scope of Practice Fund Awards to Protect Quality Patient Care

The Alabama Academy of Radiology, the Iowa Radiological Society and the Michigan Radiological Society are the most recent recipients of grants from the American College of Radiology Association® (ACRA®) scope of practice (SOP) fund for the 2023–2024 state legislative cycle. These recipients will use their grant dollars to advance their advocacy goals and educate lawmakers and their staffs about the vital role radiologists play in the healthcare system. The state societies are aware of potential threats within their state legislatures and remain vigilant with their efforts to advocate against non-physician scope of practice expansion.

The SOP fund was established in 2021 by the ACRA to safeguard patients and patient access to radiologist expertise by fighting state and federal non-physician SOP expansion legislation. Non-physician provider groups continually seek expanded authority by introducing legislation that would, for example, reduce radiologist oversight and enable their ability to direct bill.

For more information about the fund and the American College of Radiology® (ACR®) scope of practice activities, contact Eugenia Brandt, ACR Senior Government Affairs Director, or Dillon Harp, ACR Senior State Government Relations Specialist.