The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) uses the MPFS to reimburse physician services. The MPFS is composed of resource costs associated with physician work, practice expense and professional liability insurance.
Medicare Payment Systems
Working closely with federal agencies to ensure the voice of radiology is heard.
ACR strives to optimize Medicare and Medicaid coverage and reimbursement levels for radiology services. Stay up to date with current trends and activities surrounding the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System, alternative payment models and more.
HOPPS is used by CMS to reimburse for services provided in hospital outpatient departments.
The ACR is represented on the RUC and submits recommendations to the American Medical Association on radiology-related codes.
By reviewing and commenting on Local Coverage Decisions and proposed policy changes, the ACR Contractor Advisory Committee network helps ensure members are appropriately reimbursed for medically reasonable and necessary services provided to Medicare patients.
HIPPS is used by CMS to reimburse hospitals for inpatient services.
Understand MACRA, stay informed on its implementation, and take steps to thrive in new payment and delivery models.