MLN Matters 1090
Medicare Coverage Activities: How ACR Helps Your Practice
NCDNational Coverage Determinations
National coverage determinations (NCDs) are made through an evidence-based process, with opportunities for public participation.
Need more information? The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has guidance documents containing detailed information on the process and decision-making factors to assist parties or organizations that may request an NCD.
LCDLocal Coverage Determination
In the absence of a national coverage policy, an item or service may be covered at the discretion of the Medicare contractors based on a local coverage determination (LCD).
Need more information? The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides additional guidance.
What is the CAC Network?
The ACR CAC Network was developed to encourage communication and coordination among all radiology CAC representatives. The ACR is committed to providing as much assistance as possible to each CAC representative. Adoption of the ACR CAC Networks include representatives and alternates appointed by the state chapters created a more organized and effective mechanism for dealing with local Medicare issues. State Chapter leaders should notify ACR staff of changes to CAC representatives and alternates.
ACR CAC Network members
CAC Network meetings per year
Supported multispecialty society letters addressing coverage determination concerns
Medicare Part A and Part B MACs processing claims
DME MACs processing claims
of the total Medicare beneficiary population utilizes Medicare Fee for Service
million individuals receive Medicare FFS benefits
CMS Coverage Resources
The Medicare Coverage Database (MCD) is a resource for viewing policies and articles related to Medicare coverage.
Chapter 13 — Local Coverage Determinations