Main Content
Carina Angle Measurement
Purpose | Measure angle of carina |
Tag(s) | #Cardiac Size on Chest Radiograph |
Panel | Cardiac |
Define-AI ID | 18040004 |
Originator | Jay Nance |
Panel Chair | Carlo De Cecco |
Panel Reviewers | Cardiac Panel |
License | |
Status | Published |
Clinical Implementation
Value Proposition
The chest radiograph is often the first imaging study that is available. It can be used as a quick initial screening tool for cardiomegaly, which in and of itself can be used as a marker for heart disease. A quick visual assessment by a radiologist is sometimes inaccurate. An AI algorithm can be trained to make an accurate assessment of cardiomegaly based on a single-view chest radiograph (anteroposterior [AP] or posterioranterior [PA]). Additionally, the algorithm can indicate which specific chambers contribute most to the enlarged cardiac silhouette.Narrative(s)
A 60-year-old male with no prior imaging is admitted to the emergency department for shortness of breath. A chest radiograph is obtained as part of the initial workup. The algorithm evaluates the image and determines whether the patient’s heart is enlarged. The radiologist is informed of this categorization at the time of interpretation. Additionally, the algorithm is able to evaluate for enlargement of the left atrium (or other specific chambers).Workflow Description
The image obtained from the modality is sent to PACS and the AI engine. The image is analyzed by the engine. If the image is a PA view, a simple cardiothoracic ratio (width of heart/width of thorax) is computed. If the image is an AP view, a “modified” cardiothoracic ratio is computed. The system categorizes the heart as enlarged or normal in size based on whether the cardiothoracic ratio is greater than 0.5. If the heart is enlarged, the angle of the carina is measured by the system. If the angle is greater than 100 degrees, the presence of left atrial enlargement is suggested. A message is sent to PACS from the engine with the information.Considerations for Dataset Development
Procedures(s): X-ray, Chest
View(s): {AP, PA}
Sex at Birth: {Male, Female}
Technical Specifications
Procedure | XRAY, Chest |
Views | AP, PA |
Data Type | DICOM |
Modality | XRAY |
Body Region | Chest |
Anatomic Focus | Heart |
Primary Outputs
Carina Angle
RadElement ID | RDE293 |
Definition | Carina angle |
Data Type | Numeric |
Value Set |
Units | Degrees |
Future Development Ideas
If the cardiothoracic ratio is greater than 0.5 and the carina angle is greater than 100 degrees, then suggest left atrial enlargement.Related Datasets
No known related public datasets at this time, please alert us if you know of any.