A male radiologist with a dark beard stands in front of a CT scanner reviewing something on a tablet.

Define-AI Directory

Explore an industry-leading array of detailed use cases for leveraging the latest artificial intelligence (AI) tools and resources in medical imaging and radiology.

A male radiologist with a dark beard stands in front of a CT scanner reviewing something on a tablet.

For AI Developers

Use the directory to inform your work and produce algorithms that are clinically relevant, ethical and effective.

A Black man wearing clear glasses and a light brown button-up shirt types at a computer.

For Radiologists

Use the directory to ensure your AI tools can be efficiently implemented and have the potential to improve quality and efficiency of care.

A female radiologist with brown hair reviews medical scans on a monitor.

Advance your own work and share valuable insights with colleagues and collaborators.

The Define-AI Directory empowers you to improve the quality of care across radiology and its subspecialties with cutting-edge machine learning tools that streamline diagnosis, analysis and learning.

Each use case provides narrative descriptions and flow charts which specify the healthcare goal of the algorithm, the required clinical input, how the algorithm should integrate into the clinical workflow and how it will interface with users and tools.

Define AI Directory at a Glance

More information on the use cases, how to participate and answers to the most frequently asked questions.

  • About AI Use Cases

    Get the details behind the use-case collection. Learn how the ACR Data Science Institute (DSI) uses detailed clinical scenarios to engage institutions across the country.

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  • Participate

    Join the network of physicians, technicians and leaders making Define-AI an industry landmark.

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  • Proposal for Use Case in Artificial Intelligence

    Submit a proposal suggesting a problem that may be solvable by AI.

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Access the Define-AI Directory

Organized by subspeciality and category, find the full library of interpretive and non-interpretive case studies below.

Prostate Imaging Case Studies

Learn from top experts on the use of multiparametric MRI as a diagnostic tool for prostate conditions.

Interventional Radiology Case Studies

See how AI-enhanced imaging can support interventional radiologists.

Oncology Case Studies

See where and when AI-supported detection methods might be suitable for your patients or practice.


Find the full directory of non-interpretive case studies below.