Developing AI solutions requires the efforts of many stakeholders, which is why more than 100 clinical experts have contributed to the current Define-AI use case directory. We encourage you to get involved as the directory continues to grow.

How toGet Involved

Participate in the Define-AI directory

Contact us

As research progresses, new strategies may emerge for developing AI applications. Share your feedback with us at

Our use case panels accept proposals from the community to provide guidance on algorithm development and define algorithm implementation standards. If you would like to submit a use case for panel review, please complete this form or email us at

The DSI collaborates with facilities to curate datasets for training or testing, and with industry to evaluate applications according to use case specifications. If you would like to collaborate, contact us at

An image of the inside of a computer circuit board

RequestPanel Membership

Radiologists looking at a scan on a computer

To learn more about participating on a Data Science Subspecialty Panel, email with information about your background, and we will reach out if opportunities arise matching your expertise and interests.

Learn more about participating