About Us

The American College of Radiology® (ACR®) and American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) founded the Council of Affiliated Regional Radiation Oncology Societies (CARROS) in 1978.

CARROS functions as an ACR chapter, promoting radiation oncology at local and regional levels and serving as a mechanism to:

  • Develop consensus on radiation oncology issues and communicate updates to members and parent organizations.
  • Ensure representation for radiation oncology within the ACR Council.
  • Offer a pathway to Fellowship in the ACR for radiation oncology and medical physics members.

All ACR members who are radiation oncologists or medical physicists practicing in radiation oncology are automatically members of CARROS and their respective state chapters.

Recognized ACR chapters and organized societies representing specific geographic areas or demographics are considered constituent organizations and have representation on the CARROS Board.

Benefits of CARROS Membership

  • Join a network of radiation oncology professionals.
  • Stay informed about relevant socioeconomic and governmental developments.
  • Provide input on major radiation oncology issues.
  • Participate in the development of ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Standards.
  • Have a voting representative (Councilor) on the ACR Council, giving you a voice on important resolutions.
  • Leverage ACR resources and influence for radiation oncology concerns.
  • Access an alternative pathway to Fellowship in the ACR for radiation oncology physicians and medical physicists.

CARROS Committees

CARROS committees align with various areas of focus identified by the ACR:

  • Membership & Communications
  • Government Relations
  • Education
  • Quality & Safety
  • Empowerment, Diversity & Inclusion

Contact Our Chapter


Main Contact:

Trina Behbahani



Chapter Leadership

Chapter Awards


Award for Excellence in Membership

Division A


Award for Excellence in Membership

Division A


Award for Excellence in Membership

Division A


Award for Excellence in Membership

Division A


Award for Excellence in Membership

Division A

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of Belonging

When you join the ACR, you join a community committed to elevating the field of radiology—and a world of benefits.

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Free and Discounted CME

As an ACR member, you can take advantage of educational opportunities—and earn as much as 91.25 CME annually.


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Tools and Resources

Gain access to a wealth of members-only resources and stay abreast of the latest trends and evidence-based guidelines.