Get Involved withYour ACR Chapter

American College of Radiology® (ACR®) chapters play a vital role by offering ACR members the chance to participate in local meetings, connect with fellow radiologists and advocate for radiology at the grassroots level. Members can also influence national ACR policies and procedures through the ACR Council and contribute to the development of ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Guidelines. The College's 54 chapters encompass all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Canada and the Council of Affiliated Regional Radiation Oncology Societies.

Members of an ACR Chapter engage in a discussion around a table at the ACR Annual Meeting.

Connecting for Success: Benefits of Joining ACR and Its Local Chapters

The ACR emphasizes grassroots involvement, requiring members to join their state chapters. Chapter membership offers several key benefits:

Professional Networking

Members gain camaraderie and share solutions to common radiology challenges at meetings and events.

Access to ACR Council

Chapters have representation in the ACR Council, allowing members to voice local needs and influence national radiology policy during the annual meeting.

Political Advocacy

Chapters represent members' interests in state and local government, impacting legislation and regulations.

Educational Opportunities

Chapters provide timely educational programs tailored to local needs, often offering CME credits.

Volunteer and Leadership Development

Members can engage in volunteer roles and leadership positions within the chapter and ACR committees.

Influence on Reimbursement Decisions

Chapters facilitate input into reimbursement matters through connections with local Carrier Advisory Committees.

Resources for ACR Chapters

Access valuable resources to support chapter management and membership efforts.

The ACR Chapter Portal enhances communication between the College and its chapters, streamlining the work of chapter leaders. Members can download membership data, access resources, participate in discussions, and connect with chapter leaders and members nationwide. For guidance, refer to the Chapter Portal Instructions.


The Chapter Leaders Workshop at the ACR Annual Meeting offers networking opportunities and discussions on relevant issues, fostering innovative growth for chapter memberships. For assistance with leadership roles, contact Catherine Jones, at 800-227-5462 x5480.


The membership services department provides reports to help chapters maintain accurate databases and support member retention. Mailing and email addresses in your chapter reports can be downloaded for communicating with members, limited to your chapter's membership and for chapter business only. For questions, contact Deanna Rooths, at 703-648-8985.

Access officer rosters and specialty rosters via the Chapter Portal.


The ACR dues billing service helps chapters prepare and distribute invoices, collect dues and maintain records for a modest fee.


The ACR can promote your chapter meeting information on the meeting calendar. When space is available and ample notice is provided, the College may also list meetings in print or electronic publications (e.g., ACR Bulletin or ACR Member Update).


This e-newsletter is distributed by ACR staff to chapter leaders and executive staff to provide information about new chapter resources, chapter-related news and pertinent activities.


The ACR Chapter CME Program offers an online process through which you can certify chapter events for CME, provide members with certificates of participation and keep record of certificates for future reference.


The ACR Chapters and Sections team can provide a speaker to attend your chapter meeting to highlight emerging issues and recent ACR activities. The College assumes the expenses for one visitor, per chapter, per year. To use this service, submit a speaker request form and provide complete details for your chapter meeting.


Resources and orientation materials are available for guidance on ACR Council activities, including a handbook for councilors and alternates, a resolution template, a how-to document for writing resolutions, and Council policies and procedures. Staff is available to answer questions by phone or email (see contacts below). Your most important resource for guidance on Council activities is your chapter’s Council Steering Committee (CSC) liaison identified on your chapter officer roster. Your CSC liaison is your connection to the governance body that represents the Council between annual meetings.

The ACR has available a copy of model chapter bylaws as well as general information regarding incorporation.


The ACR Legal Department offers general information and referrals to local attorneys for chapter leaders and members.


The ACR state government relations program addresses legislative and regulatory trends across the country and assists chapters with specific state legislative and regulatory initiatives and strategies. A committee is dedicated to state government relations and the Voice of Radiology blog provides members with state government relations information.

The ACR provides up to $3,000 to chapters to help send residents and fellows to the ACR Annual Meeting and $1,000 for a young professional to attend the meeting as an alternate councilor. The ACR will send the stipend funds to the chapter after the annual meeting.


With prior approval and by ACR guidelines, chapters may use the ACR logo on chapter-related materials to illustrate the reciprocal relationship between ACR and chapter membership.


Use these downloadable materials and resources to build awareness of radiology and to answer patient questions about medical imaging benefits and safety. View and share this presentation to convey the value of chapter and ACR membership.

Celebrating Excellence: Chapter Awards and Grant Opportunities

The ACR proudly honors the exceptional contributions of our chapters, celebrating their successes and innovative ideas that make a meaningful impact on the radiology community.

Chapters submit award applications for the initiatives they engage in between January and December of the award year. Submissions are made in four categories: Government Relations, Meetings & Education, Membership and Quality & Safety. View chapter division chart

Use the following forms to report your chapter activities for the award year. Chapters can submit forms in multiple categories, or just one. Each category has a required form that must be submitted in order to be considered. The Share a Successful Practice form is optional. To earn additional points, a TOTAL of four Share a Successful Practice forms may be submitted across multiple categories or all four in a single category. The forms for the 2024 award cycle are due Jan. 15, 2025.

State- and federal-level government relations activities are eligible for recognition points. Please report your chapter’s activities, initiatives and successes using the appropriate forms. The required form must be submitted to be considered for an award in this category.

The College recognizes chapters for meeting the education and networking needs of the membership. Please report your chapter’s activities, goals and successes using the appropriate forms. The required form must be submitted to be considered for an award in this category.

The College rewards chapter efforts in providing services and opportunities for members in various stages and specialties of the profession. Please report your chapter’s activities, goals and successes using the appropriate forms. The required form must be submitted to be considered for an award in this category.

This award recognizes chapters that document a continued commitment to promote and inform on quality- and safety-related matters. Please report your chapter’s activities, goals and successes using the appropriate forms. The required form must be submitted to be considered for an award in this category.

The Overall Excellence Award honors chapters that have verified excellence across all categories. All of the required forms must be submitted to be considered for Overall Excellence. When you submit required forms in the Membership, Meetings & Education, Government Relations and Quality & Safety categories, then you are automatically considered for the Overall Category. You do not need to submit them twice.

ACR CME Information

The ACR Continuing Medical Education Credit (CME) Program is an online process by which chapters apply to have activities/events certified for CME.

Applications for CME credit should be submitted at least six months prior to the activity. The links below provide additional information regarding the application process:

ACR Chapters

Contact Us

For questions or to update your chapter webpage

Member Engagement

Katie Kuhn, Director, Member Engagement
800- 227-5463, ext. 5785

Resident and Fellow Section

Lauren Williams, Member Services Specialist,
Chapters & Sections

Medical Student Section

Joan Lynch, Member Services Specialist
Chapters & Sections
703-648-8900 x1655

FACR Applications and Convocation

Julie Huxsoll and Donna Day

Chapter Portal, Chapter Executive Update, Chapter Visitation Program, Chapter Rosters, Chapter Websites, General Inquiries

Britney Lindgren, Member Services Representative
Chapters & Sections

Volunteer Services, Commissions and Committees

Donna Day, Sr. Member Services Representative
Chapters & Sections

Council Services

Commission on Membership and Communications

Trina Behbahani, CAE, Senior Director of Governance & Member Services
800-227-5463, x4998

Committee on Chapters

Catherine Jones, Team Lead, Chapters and Sections, Member Engagement
800-227-5462 x5480

Council Steering Committee, Annual Council Meeting, Digest of Council Actions, Resolutions

Trina Behbahani, CAE, Senior Director of Governance & Member Services
800-227-5463, ext. 4998

Government Relations and Economics and Health Policy

Federal Government Relations

Joshua Cooper, Vice President
800-227-5463, ext. 4308

Economics and Health Policy

Angela Kim, Senior Director
800-227-5463, x4556

State Government Relations

Eugenia Brandt, Sr. Government Relations Director


Ted Burnes, Senior Director, RADPAC & Political Education
800-227-5463, x4949