ACR Member Sections

Wherever you are in your professional career, ACR Member Sections provide the community, resources and support you need to reach your goals and contribute to exciting innovations in radiology.

  • Medical Student Section

    Explore the fields of radiology and radiation oncology and find resources to help you on your education path.

    Chart your course forward
    White and African American female medical students standing at a rostrum
  • Resident and Fellow Section (RFS)

    Join more than 8,000 ACR members-in-training to develop skills, gain access to education, find opportunities to advance and more.

    Take your place in the future of radiology
    Asian American radiology resident giving a presentation
  • Young and Early Career Professional Section (YPS)

    Thrive in this exciting phase of your career with support from a network of 6,000+ members, amplifying the voices and concerns that matter most to you.

    Make your mark in the field
    An early-career African American female radiologist sits and smiles in the audience at the ACR Annual Meeting.
  • Senior and/or Retired Section (SRS)

    Find resources and community as you navigate your career transition as well as opportunities for continued professional involvement.

    Take the next step in your journey
    Three male radiologists, one late-career and two mid-career, standing and conversing together at an event.

Achieve More

With ACR

As an ACR member, you join a vast network of radiology professionals and gain access to a plethora of support and resources for your radiology career. Expand your knowledge base, explore new opportunities and stay on the cutting edge of the field of radiology.

Become an ACR Member
rainbow bubble


Become part of a professional community of colleagues, mentors and friends who challenge and support each other.


Take advantage of ACR career-building resources to streamline and amplify your job search.


Use the Data Dashboard to find up-to-date survey data on compensation, benefits, career fulfillment and more.