Medical StudentsDiscover the World of Radiology

Find the resources, support and opportunities to learn and master new skills, make connections and build a meaningful career in radiology with the ACR Medical Student Section.

A group of three female medical students engage in conversation in a semi-circle at the ACR Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.

Who We Are

The ACR Medical Student Section (MSS) is dedicated to creating resources that educate and provide insight into the field of radiology to encourage medical students to consider radiology as a career path. The goals of the MSS are to develop a pipeline of future radiologists, produce better educated referring physicians and increase the number and diversity of applicants to radiology residency programs.

Share your ideas on resources that would support your educational journey and highlight the issues that matter most to you.

Forge Your Path in Radiology

Did you know that up to 89% of medical student members are extremely satisfied with ACR? Discover all the benefits of being part of this extraordinary group of medical students.

  • Medical Student Only Resources

    Gain access to a wealth of members-only guidance, including scholarships and internships, resources and curriculum, webinars and much more.

    Learn more
    A young male medical student and female medical student, both wearing scrubs, review information on a laptop.
  • Networking

    Connect with leading experts in the field, jump-start your career and get involved in a community with members of other ACR chapters committed to empowering radiology and each other.

    Learn more
    A Black female medical student reviews an image on a tablet with a male doctor.
  • Get Involved

    Volunteer to propel your future and the field of radiology.

    Get involved
    A female radiologist speaks at a microphone during the ACR Annual Meeting in Washington, DC

Networking and Connections

Find camaraderie and make professional connections by attending chapter meetings and events – medical student members automatically become members of their state chapter when they join ACR.

Chapters are often the only voice for radiology at the state and local level. When you collaborate with your local legislators, you become a trusted resource on critical issues facing organized medicine.

Connect with like-minded students around the U.S and Canada by exploring the Radiology Interest Groups (RIG). Find out if your institution has one or let us connect you with one close to you.

Get Involved

Volunteer to propel your future and the field of radiology.

  • Explore the ACR Volunteer Link

    Find opportunities for medical students that best fit your area of interest and time availability within ACR.

  • Join the ACR Rad Reserves

    Receive monthly emails from the Communications Subcommittee that include events, programs, activities and volunteer opportunities for medical students.

  • Serve on a MSS Subcommittee

    Become actively involved in the direction of the section and apply to serve on a subcommittee. Subcommittees focuses include communications; education; health innovation and technology; humanities and bioethics; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and advocacy.


Interested in serving on the MSS Steering Committee or a Subcommittee?

MSS Subcommittee Applications for 2025–2026 term are now open! 

Apply to serve on a Medical Student Section Subcommittee by April 4, 2025. Incoming MSS Subcommittee members will be selected by the Chair and Chair Elect in consultation with the appropriate incoming Subcommittee chair, with final approval by the Chair, Commission on Membership and Communications. 

Apply or nominate

  • Applicants for all positions must be an active ACR member and classified as a Member-in-Training Medical Student or Transitional Year Member for the duration of the term in which they will serve.
  • MSS Subcommittees are comprised of 6-8 medical student or transitional year members. Subcommittees should meet regularly (at a minimum quarterly) and are responsible for reviewing their relevant content on and coordinating with staff to update and/or remove outdated material.
  • Members are expected to serve a 1-year team.

Full descriptions for open positions can be found in Volunteer Link.

  • Communications Subcommittee
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Subcommittee
  • Education Subcommittee
  • Health Innovation and Technology Subcommittee
  • Humanities and Bioethics Subcommittee
  • Pre-Radiology Advocacy Network (RAN)

MSS Subcommittees

MSS Subcommittees are comprised of 6-8 medical students or transitional year members who are appointed for a one-year term. Subcommittees should meet regularly (at a minimum quarterly) and are responsible for reviewing their relevant content on and coordinating with staff to update and/or remove outdated material.

Communications Subcommittee

Supports staff in promoting MSS events and activities, maintains the RIG database, and coordinates communication efforts with RIGs across the U.S.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Subcommittee

Works to increase awareness and recognition of the value created by diversity in radiology to medical students and makes recommendations for programs and/or content that promotes and advances removing barriers and aiding in providing equal opportunities in radiology.

Education Subcommittee

Develops and oversees all MSS educational programming, makes recommendations for additional programs and/or content with the goal of expanding understanding of the practice of radiology.

Health Innovation and Technology Subcommittee

Develops and/or promotes content about the advancements in medical imaging technologies including, but not limited to, artificial and augmented intelligence, augmented and virtual reality combined with 3D imaging, and new approaches to nuclear imaging.

Humanities and Bioethics Subcommittee

Develops content and programming to highlight the interdisciplinary field of medicine and the links between medical humanities and health and social care disciplines within the arts and humanities and makes recommendations for programs and/or content that promotes and advances this field as it relates to radiology.

Pre-Radiology Advocacy Network (RAN)

Advocates for the interests of radiologists at local, state, and national levels and educates medical students regarding legislative and regulatory developments. Encourages medical students to attend their state chapter meetings, assists with the planning and implementation of calls to action, letters to legislators, fundraisers, and actively engage with social media posts and emails from the ACR RAN.

Medical Student Section Leadership

MSS Steering Committee


The MSS is guided by a ten-member steering committee dedicated to fostering a community of medical students interested in radiology and developing valuable resources for them. The MSS committee, led by the Chairperson, meets quarterly to make programming decisions aligned with the ACR Strategic Plan.

Current MSS Steering Committee

Joshua H. Baker, PhD

Joshua H. Baker, PhD

Tina Shehata, MD

Tina Shehata, MD

Immediate Past Chair
Fatima Elahi, DO , MHA

Fatima Elahi, DO, MHA

Resident Advisor
Bryant Chang, MS

Bryant Chang, MS

Vice Chair/Chair-Elect
Gavin Yuan, BA

Gavin Yuan, BA

Alexandria Sobczak, BS

Alexandria Sobczak, BS

Communications Liaison
Monica Lee, BS

Monica Lee, BS

Education Liaison
Sara Siddiqui, BA

Sara Siddiqui, BA

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Liaison
Spencer Gilbert, BS

Spencer Gilbert, BS

Health, Innovation and Technology Liaison
Emmanuel Ihionkhan, MBS

Emmanuel Ihionkhan, BS

Humanities and Bioethics Liaison

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