Safety and Cybersecurity

Protect your patients and your practice by implementing the most recent guidance from cybersecurity experts working in radiology.

  • Demystifying Cybersecurity: Common Threats and Practical Strategies for Radiology Practitioners

    This short presentation from Col. Neris Nieves-Robbins at the Defense Health Agency offers grounded, everyday advice to help radiologists avoid cybersecurity threats.

    Watch it now
    A glowing blue lock icon on top of a computer circuit board
  • Radiology Business Continuity Preparation for Cyber Disaster

    Dr. Christoph Wald, ACR® Informatics Commission Chair, walks you through how to respond in the event of a successful cybersecurity attack.

    Be prepared
    A Black woman with her hair in a bun works on a laptop
  • Keeping PHI out of Medical Image Presentations and Educational Products

    In this practical guide, you’ll learn to prevent automatic systems, like search engine indexing tools, from harvesting your patient data.

    Get the guide
    A glowing green lock and shield icon on an AI circuit board.

Informatics Resources

Access the latest information with your go-to hubs for informatics and IT.

Place yourself at the very forefront of radiologic informatics with the expansive tools and connections available through the DSI.

ACR AI-LAB® helps radiologists learn the basics of AI and participate directly in the creation, validation and use of healthcare AI.


The ACR Assist® framework is designed to provide structured clinical guidance that allows radiologists to incorporate content into the radiology workflow.


ACR Common™ offers a collection of common radiology terms and semantic structures to facilitate interaction with ACR® products and services.


ACR Connect is a communication services platform that facilitates information flow between vendors, individuals and ACR products and services.

ACR Cortex is a content management system used to collect, assemble and publish content used for different types of learning and assessment.


The ACR data archive and research toolkit (DART) provides a gateway to browse and query data for research, quality improvement and clinical study operational purposes.


Gravitas is a system used to manage the creation, review and publication of appropriateness criteria clinical guidelines.


ACR Select® comprises the platform to manage and deliver an imaging CDS system and the evidence-based content.

MARVAL is an authoring tool used by content creators to review CARDS modules. MARVAL allows reviewers to simulate data, run test cases, make comments on each section of a module and provide approval for publication.


RadPath Concordance is a joint project between the ACR and the College of American Pathologists (CAP) that links radiology and pathology results and make them easily accessible for cancer tumor boards, AI, education and research. The organizations are creating a standards-based interface for the exchange of concordance data. The two groups have already engaged with Standards Development Organizations in developing and testing standards (IHE SDC and FHIR) for transmitting this information.

ACR and CAP formed different committees for PI-RADS® and BI-RADS® and identified the data elements for concordance from the CAP electronic cancer checklists. They developed a reference implementation of the infrastructure and conducted a demonstration and Connectathon at SIIM 2022.

Read the international radiology community’s landmark statement on AI ethics in radiology.
radiology images

ACR Connect® Software

Tap into the power of a software system designed to interact with local healthcare facilities and process data for ACR-sponsored programs through a common platform.

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Be PAMA AUC Prepared

Stay up-to-date on the continued work between Congress, ACR and CMS to eliminate the real-time claims processing requirement that resulted in the pause.

Learn more

Your Reference Guide in Information Technology

For the practicing radiologist, gain insights into key areas of healthcare and imaging information technology.

Read the Latest in Data Science and AI News

  • Benefits and Dangers of Synthetic Data

    Synthetic data has the potential to fill research gaps, but radiologists should be aware of potential drawbacks.

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    An AI chip labeled AI emits a glow in the center of a circuit board.
  • AI Use in Healthcare

    There are unanswered questions about what happens in situations where the human expert disagrees with AI, and how those situation are perceived or potentially adjudicated.

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  • Solving Today's Informatics Problems

    An advance look at the topics of the ACR’s 2022 Imaging Informatics Summit

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Refine your radiology skillset in a simulated clinical environment through this online portal. Clinical scenarios are presented through the ACR Select® module of CareSelect Imaging.

A grey-haired white male physician ponders something while looking at a tablet.