February 08, 2021

Return to Care: Encourage Year-Round Breast Health with ACR Toolkit

Use the American College of Radiology® (ACR®) Return to Mammography Care Toolkit to reconnect with women to order their yearly mammogram delayed by COVID-related scheduling conflicts.

To allow recommended cleaning and avoid overcrowding, many mammography sites reduced daily appointments when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-called for non-urgent care shutdown ended in July 2020.

Availability issues may have led many women to skip their 2020 mammogram. This may cause a March–May 2021 drop in exams — as women who missed their 2020 test may forego their 2021 exam.

The ACR offers a toolkit of free, downloadable and customizable resources, which explain to women why it is necessary and safe to #ReturnToCare for yearly mammograms.

Check out the free materials on MammographySavesLives.org/ReturnToCare, customize them with your branding, then share with your referring clinicians and advise them to send to their patients.

Together, we can encourage women 40 and older to re-engage their doctors, #ReturnToCare and order their yearly mammogram!