Get Involved

Volunteer to serve on an ACR committee or subcommittee, get involved with your chapter, and more.

Run for the RFS Executive Committee

The Call for Nominations cycle for the Executive Committee is now open.

Apply by December 1 

The ACR RFS Nominating Committee is looking for impassioned, self-motivated and dedicated volunteers to be part of the next RFS Executive Committee. Individuals who are recognized as leaders in their training programs, who are eager to be involved in forming the policies and framework for the profession of radiology, and improve resources for all residents and fellows are strongly encouraged to submit their nomination for consideration.

The benefits associated with serving as a member of the RFS Executive Committee include representing the College on behalf of the RFS at the ACR Annual Meeting, holding a seat on the ACR Council, and the opportunity to make invaluable connections with ACR leadership.

In addition to the assigned duties of each position, expected time commitment for RFS Executive Committee members includes monthly conference calls, planning the upcoming RFS annual meeting program, and attendance at quarterly Journal Club webinars.

Review full descriptions of the available positions on the RFS Executive Committee.

Serve on an ACR RFS Subcommittee

Artificial Intelligence Advisory Group

Newly formed in 2017, the RFS AI Advisory Group seeks to educate residents and fellows on the developments of AI, and how radiologists will be impacted in their practices. The group is led by Judy Gichoya, MD, MS.

The first AI Journal Club, “Radiologists as Knowledge Experts in a World of Artificial Intelligence,” took place December 6, 2017 and was moderated by Bibb Allen Jr., MD, FACR, Chief Medical Officer of the ACR Data Science Institute (DSI).

Check back here for information regarding the next AI Journal Club, and visit our YouTube channel to view previous sessions.

To volunteer for this subcommittee, please submit an RFS Volunteer Information form for consideration.

Membership Subcommittee 

Help develop resources for members-in-training and provide input to ACR committees on issues related to membership retention.

Specific projects may include updating the Getting Started in Radiology Residency Handbook, in addition to working to strengthen ties between state chapters and the national ACR.

To volunteer for this subcommittee, please submit an RFS Volunteer Information form for consideration.

International Outreach Subcommittee

Help organize/centralize knowledge about international outreach opportunities and involvement to facilitate better international aid work and collaboration.

Example projects include Global Health Imaging Curriculum in Radiology Residency Programs: The Fundamentals.

The subcommittee meets during national radiology meetings such as ACR, RSNA and AUR.

To volunteer for this subcommittee, please submit an RFS Volunteer Information form for consideration.

Radiology Advocacy Network

Serve as a liaison to educate your peers about advocacy issues and to inform ACR about upcoming local issues.

Educate trainees about ACR legislative/advocacy efforts to encourage active participation in advocacy for our specialty. We always welcome new ideas to increase resident engagement and advocacy.

To volunteer for this subcommittee, please submit an RFS Volunteer Information form for consideration.

RFS Economics Advisory Group

Serve as a trainee member on committees within the ACR Commission on Economics.

Promote education and professional development about economic issues relevant to ACR members.

Forums include journal club meetings to discuss current topics in economics and special events such as presentations at the annual ACR meeting.

To volunteer for this subcommittee, please submit an RFS Volunteer Information form for consideration.

Women and Diversity Advisory Group

Promote the inclusion and empowerment of women and underrepresented minorities in the fields of diagnostic radiology and radiation oncology to strengthen and fortify institutions across the country.

To volunteer for this subcommittee, please submit an RFS Volunteer Information form for consideration.