Members walking in DC on Capitol Hill Day with Capitol in the background.


#FocusedForwardTogether in Radvocacy at ACR 2025

Members walking in DC on Capitol Hill Day with Capitol in the background.
Amy Patel, MD

Amy Patel, MD

March 7, 2025

Amy K. Patel MD, Chair of the American College of Radiology Association (ACRA) Radiology Advocacy Network (RAN) and RADPAC, contributed this piece.


2025 has already proven to be a lively one on the legislative and regulatory front, and we will continue to keep our finger on the pulse and advocate for issues that continue to affect our patients and radiology, including but not limited to, Medicare reform, the workforce shortage, the No Surprises Act, Scope of Practice and Breast Imaging Access.


We will continue to stay laser-focused, working with both sides of the aisle, and maintaining and building relationships with those Members of Congress who have jurisdiction over healthcare and beyond; our commitment is unwavering as our patients deserve this from us.


With this said, we invite you to join our efforts at the American College of Radiology (ACR) Annual Meeting, May 3-7.


On Saturday, May 3, during the Chapters Leaders Workshop, a panel will highlight chapter success stories and recent legislative wins from 4-5pm. An Advocacy Session will also take place during the YPS Meeting the same day from 3-4pm. 


On Sunday, May 4, a Radiology Advocacy Panel will take place during the RFS Meeting from 9:45-10:45am. 


Also during this year’s meeting, we are excited to bring to attendees a new session on Monday, May 5 at 4pm dedicated to Advocacy. This will be an informative session on all things advocacy including the inner workings of ACRA government relations and victories. This session will also include a few fun surprises! 


The RAN Meeting will be on Monday, May 5 at 5pm. Even if you are not a RAN Representative for your residency program or state, we encourage all radvocates to attend to receive additional updates at the state and federal level. 


On the afternoon of Tuesday, May 6, the annual Capitol Hill Day Prep will take place in a mock style format meeting with a Member of Congress (MOC). 


ACR Hill Day is Wednesday, May 7, and we hope to see as many as we can joining their state chapters to meet with their respective MOC. Approximately 94% of Congress does not have a healthcare background, so it is crucial we continue to be persistent in our efforts to educate and formulate relationships with MOC to ensure they support pro-radiology legislation and access to care for our patients. As daunting of a task as this may seem at times, we cannot let our foot off the pedal. Of note, we are adding a new element to our Hill Day visits. We are strongly encouraging all who attend to wear a white coat. This demonstrates we are a united front in the house of medicine as we ascend on The Hill, and also, assists in conveying that radiologists and radiation oncologists are physicians and play an integral role in patient care. 


We hope you will join us at ACR 2025 and also in our advocacy efforts. It takes ALL of us, and we simply cannot do it without your support and dedication. Thank you for your commitment to our patients and profession. 


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