1. Navigate to https://sso.acr.org in your preferred web browser to access the ACR® login screen. Once there, click "Forgot your password?"

  2. Next, on the Password Reset screen, enter your email address on record with ACR, and click the “Reset via Email” button.

  3. You will receive an email from 'ACR' (no-reply@sso.acr.org) with the subject 'ACR Login Password Reset' with a link to reset your password. This link is only valid for two (2) hours; however you may repeat these steps to request another password reset email as many times as needed.

  4. Upon clicking the “Reset Password” button in the email, you will be prompted to set (and repeat) a new password based on the requirements listed. Once the new password has been entered twice, click “Reset Password”.

  5. If successful, you will be taken to your ACR Login dashboard where you can access your ACR applications.

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