Turnkey Programs Designed for Your Students

  • Radiology-TEACHES

    The Radiology-TEACHES® program features a range of case vignettes through which medical students receive clinical decision support education built on evidence-based content. Learners can practice ordering imaging studies and receive immediate feedback on appropriate image utilization. 

    Learn more
    Young white man wearing his blond hair in a bun smiles as he types on a laptop computer. Behind him a large monitor displays radiologic images of a brain.
  • Standardized Tool for the Assessment of Radiology Students (STARS)

    STARS is a joint initiative by the Alliance of Medical Student Educators in Radiology and the ACR®. It offers medical schools a national, web-based database of question items and an exam system designed to assess students' performance throughout their radiology courses. 

    Learn more
    Young woman student smiles while typing on a laptop computer.
  • Introduction to Appropriateness Criteria Medical Student Education

    Evidence and population-based guidelines to assist ordering providers in making the most appropriate imaging or treatment decision for a specific clinical scenario. 

    Access the module
    A black female radiologist examines a variety of clinical images. The ACR logo 'R' is superimposed in the top left.

Two-Week Virtual Radiology Curriculum for Medical Students

This virtual curriculum offers medical students required readings, online modules and scenarios to integrate evidence-based imaging strategies while exploring modern imaging science and diversity. The exam is scored automatically, and exam answers will be emailed to faculty when the exam is submitted.

You must be an ACR member to log in and access the materials. Membership is free for medical students.

Tools and Resources

Medical Student Curriculum

Access the entire ACR Medical Student Curriculum Building Blocks for free. Help your students increase their knowledge with more than 75 resources, including videos and downloadable presentations on varying topics. 

ACR Career Center

Discover the premier recruitment resource dedicated to connecting medical imaging professionals with more job postings than any other radiology-specific job board.

Image Wisely Safety Cases

Explore a series of free online and mobile-compatible educational modules from Image Wisely® and enhance your understanding of important safety concepts in medical imaging.

Case in Point

Case in Point® is a daily publication that offers radiologists the opportunity to review actual case presentations and earn continuing medical education credit. 

Image Gently

Raising awareness of opportunities to lower radiation doses in the imaging of children. 


Learn how X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound and other procedures are performed. 

Get Involved

Host a Workshop forMedical Students

If your program or interest group is interested in hosting a radiology workshop, please explore the tier options and submit an application.


One medical school hosting a one-day event or 10–40 students anticipated in attendance. Valued at $150.

ACR provides:

  • Postcards/giveaways for up to 40 students.
  • Prizes valued up to $50.
  • Event promotion through ACR social media.
  • Access to existing online ACR content and presentations upon request.

School provides to ACR:

  • List of registrants with contact information.
  • Agenda/program schedule.
  • Marketing and promotional information.

Two to three medical schools partnering for a one-day event or 40–75 students anticipated in attendance. Valued at $500.

ACR provides:

  • Postcards/giveaways for up to 75 students.
  • Prizes valued up to $100.
  • Event promotion through ACR social media.
  • Food and beverage allowance ($275).
  • Access to existing online ACR content and presentations upon request.

School provides to ACR:

  • List of registrants with contact information.
  • Agenda/program schedule.
  • 30-minute ACR spotlight session (based on member volunteer availability).
  • Marketing and promotional information.

Four or more medical schools partnering for a one-day event or 75–150 students anticipated in attendance. Valued at $750.

ACR provides:

  • Postcards/giveaways for up to 150 students.
  • Prizes valued up to $100.
  • Event promotion through ACR social media.
  • Food and beverage allowance ($575).
  • Access to existing online ACR content and presentations upon request.

School provides to ACR:

  • List of registrants with contact information.
  • Agenda/program schedule.
  • 30-minute ACR spotlight session (based on member volunteer availability).
  • Marketing and promotional information.

Serve as a Preceptorto a PIER Student

Supervise a student intern for six weeks and help them complete a research project and provide valuable mentorship to them throughout their medical school career.

Apply to be a preceptor

If you are interested in being a preceptor for the PIER radiology summer internship, you may want to ask for support from your chairman and obtain administrative support to help with logistics.

Administrative support would be able to contact the student with all credentialing details such as HR paperwork, communication and check on transportation needs to and from the hospital. This person can set up requirements such as compliance training, etc.

If you have a medical student coordinator in your department, that person could help the student integrate into the medical student lecture and reading room rotation schedule. Since this is meant to be an internship that exposes the student to radiology, it would be good if they could spend time in subspecialty reading rooms or with a clinical colleague. We intend to provide the student with a diverse clinical radiology experience so they can see all aspects of radiology.

  • Assign a desk with computer and access to PACS.
  • Designate a person to teach student access to PACS and EMR.
  • Establish rules for communication with the preceptor.
  • Meet with your institution’s diversity office to see if they have activities for the student participate in.

  • Create a calendar with lectures, reading room schedules, etc. that the intern can both access and edit.
  • Schedule deadlines (abstract submission, day of service*, etc.) on the calendar. Plan when data collection and analysis should be complete as well as submission day for poster printing.
  • Plan for any down time. For example, if you see a great case in the reading room, perhaps the student can submit an ACR Case in Point.

  • Initiate IRB compliance training as soon as possible. The student will need an ID and access to the network prior to this training.
  • Schedule focused phone meetings with your intern at least 1–2 months prior to their arrival. Provide reading material if there is an ongoing project you plan on using. If the intern is starting a new project, use the first meeting to establish areas of interest and brainstorm research projects, and the second meeting to finalize plans and complete IRB. The study should be designed prior to student arrival. Ideally, the IRB would be submitted 1.5–2 months prior to the start date.
  • Enlist your department biostatistician early on for help with study design and data analysis.
  • Have a schedule for deliverables for the research project so that the project’s abstract, data acquisition and analysis, and poster printing can be done on time.

Radiology EscapesACR Virtual Escape Rooms

Can your team discover clues, solve puzzles and escape these radiology-themed escape rooms? Gather some paper and pencil to help with the puzzles, and don’t forget — no cheating! No internet surfing, calculators or other electronic helpers are allowed.

Young African American woman wearing blue scrubs works on a laptop computer. Books and a surgical mask are stacked next to the laptop.

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When you join the ACR, you join a community committed to elevating the field of radiology—and a world of benefits.

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radiology images

Free and Discounted CME

As an ACR member, you can take advantage of educational opportunities—and earn as much as 91.25 CME annually.


Connect with leading experts in the field, grow your career and get involved in a community committed to empowering radiology and each other.

Tools and Resources

Gain access to a wealth of members-only resources and stay abreast of the latest trends and evidence-based guidelines.