The mission of the Council Steering Committee is to be the representative voice of the ACR membership, by facilitating and developing ACR policy.
Council Steering Committee
The CSC provides oversight of Council activities. CSC members are both elected and appointed. The CSC is representative generally of the entire Council according to its diversity, geographic distribution, radiologic subspecialty, gender and practice patterns.
In addition to organizing the ACR's annual council meeting, the CSC represents the Council while it is not in session. Through their liaison role, CSC members provide communication pathways with ACR chapters, subspecialty societies, and military branches and government agencies recognized by the Council, as well as with ACR commissions and the Board of Chancellors.
The specific liaison roles of CSC members are assigned immediately after the annual meeting. In addition, CSC members work on the development of practice parameters and technical standards and serve on year-round work groups to better serve the Council and the membership. Additional details about the annual council meeting can be found on the annual meeting page.