Diversity at ACR

ACR Diversity

Excellence Through Diversity and Inclusion

The ACR, through the Commission for Women and Diversity, seeks to achieve a radiology profession that celebrates diversity and actively promotes inclusion at all levels of training, practice and leadership.

In the video below, Commission Chair Johnson Lightfoote, MD, FACR, and Commission Founding Chair Katarzyna Macura, MD, PhD, FACR, discuss the mission of the ACR Commission for Women and Diversity in furthering the representation of women and minorities at the ACR and in radiology.

Diversity Toolkit

Recommended Reading: Health Equity and Pandemic Disparities

Sieck and Morgan, Trailblazing a Path to Diversity (advancing underrepresented minorities and women leaders through state chapters and academic radiology), ACR Voice of Radiology Blog, June 2020.

Daley and Reed, Harvard Medical School Statement on Diversity, June 2020.

Wright, et al, The Economic Impact of Closing the Racial Wealth Gap, McKinsey, August 2019.

Long, et al., The Black-White Economic Divide is as Wide as in 1968, Washington Post, June 2020

Probus, How to Support the Fight Against Police Brutality (including reading list), BuzzFeed, June 2020

Robin DiAngelo, White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, 2018, a New York Times and Amazon #1 bestseller.

Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, 2010, a New York Times and Amazon #7 bestseller.

Dixon-Fyle, et al., Diversity wins: How inclusion matters, McKinsey, May 2020.

Kruskal JB, Patel AK, Levine D, Canon CL, Macura KJ, Allen BJ, Meltzer C. Fostering Diversity and Inclusion: A Summary of the 2017 Intersociety Summer Conference. JACR, May 2018.

12 Steps to Make Your Practice More Inclusive, Diverse and Welcoming

by Johnson B. Lightfoote, MD, MBA, FACR

  1. Prime the pipeline – Give a talk to medical students, college students, even middle school students from nontraditional backgrounds to share your enthusiasm for the radiological sciences or the STEMM fields in general. Sixth graders love pictures of bones!

  2. Close to the customer – Hold a focus group with women or underrepresented minority patients in your community to understand their take on radiology and radiation oncology. They certainly know a bit about the wondrous imaging care we deliver, but we may not know how much they appreciate our compassionate expertise.

  3. Let me show you how – Become a mentor to a woman or underrepresented minority in your practice, whether paraprofessional, technologist, medical student or budding radiologist. Priceless!

  4. Cultural competency – Think about how well your practice communicates with the wide variety of cultures that you work with daily; make a plan to better understand and improve personal interactions and communication with one specific group.

  5. Get centered – Are diversity and inclusion at the core of your practice’s mission? Should they be? Not every practice needs a strategic plan, but if you have one, think about how it serves your future and your stakeholders.

  6. Lead by example – When fellow radiologists, customer clinicians and administrators see us radiologists and radiation oncologists taking the lead in advancing diversity and inclusion, we earn their admiration and invite emulation.

  7. Walk a mile in my shoes – Take a look at an interaction (contentious or compassionate) between professionals or patients and imagine how you’d react if you were one of the participants.

  8. Take your show on the road – Visit civic groups, churches, city council or volunteer organizations and let them know not just about your high technology, but about the diversity and service commitment of the people in your practice.

  9. Mind the gap – Is there a disparity in the care your women, LGBT or minority patients receive? Is there a gap between your practice’s aspirations for inclusiveness and the actual representation of underrepresented minorities and women in your group? Finding and minding the gap will invite solutions.

  10. Take your own pulse – How do people in your practice appreciate the inclusiveness and diversity of our working environment? Invite frequent meetings of your group to discover how your most important assets think about how welcoming your practice really is.

  11. Movin’ on up – Professional advancement is a great way to enhance an atmosphere of diversity and inclusion. Make sure you’re offering leadership and development opportunities to everyone (radiologists, radiation oncologists and paraprofessionals alike) in your organization; remember that women and underrepresented minorities are often underspoken or overlooked.

  12. Exploit diversity – Unique talents and diverse needs can be exploited to great advantage in areas such as working hours, working locations, fractional employment, specialty differentiation, customer service. Welcome, leverage and creatively exploit the diverse professional capacities of your team. Enjoy the resulting return to your bottom line.

Related Resources

Pipeline Initiative for the Enrichment of Radiology

The PIER internship for first-year medical students gives underrepresented minorities and women an opportunity to explore the radiology specialty and engage in research.

How to participate »

ACR Diversity Report

Learn about the efforts of the ACR Commission on Women and Diversity to advance diversity and inclusion in radiology.

Read the report »