Every year, the American College of Radiology® (ACR®) State Governmental Affairs team monitors hundreds of bills in statehouses throughout the country related to the practice of radiology and assists ACR state chapters with their legislative priorities.
In 2022, 46 state legislatures are meeting, and many scope of practice bills are slated to be considered, as well as bills related to cancer screening mandates and reimbursement issues, such as out-of-network and balance billing. COVID-19 and its impact on the healthcare system is also a hot topic for state legislatures.
Many ACR state chapters host state lobby days, which are a great way for radiologists to get involved in advocacy and introduce themselves to state legislators. This year also offers radiologists a unique opportunity to meet and educate their elected officials about the work they do and radiology’s legislative priorities.
In 2022, there will be elections in 88 state legislative chambers and 36 gubernatorial elections. Throughout 2022, ACR members will have opportunities to become acquainted with candidates and legislators both virtually and in person. In addition to presenting a voice for radiologists and their patients, these meetings give lawmakers a source they can call on for information as they consider bills.
Past experience is not needed to get involved advocating for radiology and patients. The ACR periodically will hold advocacy trainings for members interested in learning more about how to get involved.
ACR members can keep up to date with bills being introduced through the ACR policy map and through Advocacy in Action. The ACR has partnered with FiscalNote, a legislation and regulation tracking service, to provide continuous, comprehensive updates on radiology- and healthcare-related legislation. ACR staff are also able help facilitate “guest caller” interactions about various legislative issues during quarterly State Government Relations Committee discussions. ACR chapter members can communicate with their colleagues and receive feedback to guide their chapters’ legislative strategy development.
Members can opt-in for Fiscal Note reports by contacting Tina Getachew. For more information about state advocacy issues and resources, you may also contact Eugenia Brandt or Dillon Harp.