June 12, 2024

NIH Announces Workshops With Potential Interest for Radiologists

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) will host two workshops potentially of interest to academic radiology researchers and more. The first, Addressing the Influence of Interpersonal Biases on Health Outcomes and Disparities, is June 17–18. It will convene subject matter experts for presentations and discussions about the impact of exposure to interpersonal biases on health.

Additionally, NIH will host Transforming Discoveries into Products: Maximizing NIH’s Levers to Catalyze Technology Transfer. This July 31 workshop will discuss policies and practices that shape biomedical innovation and promote access to NIH-funded discoveries. Goals include discussing how NIH as a research institution approaches patenting and licensing of biomedical inventions.

For more information, contact Katie Grady, ACR Government Affairs Director.