ACR TI-RADS Webinars

Join the ACR TI-RADS™ Committee for a free, three-part series.

Watch: ACR TI-RADS Webinar Part I: This Is How We Do It

Watch: ACR TI-RADS Webinar Part II: Case Based Review & Frequently Asked Questions

Watch: ACR TI-RADS Webinar Part III: Why Adopt ACR TI-RADS? Evidence Behind Performance

ACR TI-RADS Webinar II: FAQ Timestamps

  • What is the follow-up for TR1 and TR2 nodules? 5:17
  • What is the management for TR3, TR4, or TR5 nodules that are below the size threshold for follow-up? 5:17
  • What is the rationale behind ACR TI-RADS? 6:20
  • Does ACR TI-RADS apply to symptomatic nodules? Do risk factors come into play? 7:33
  • How do I report it? 12:45
  • In a mixed cystic and solid nodule, does margin apply to the entire nodule or just the solid component? Does color Doppler help? 13:45
  • Should a nodule’s suspicion level be reported? 17:10
  • Because Punctate Echogenic Foci (PEF) are awarded three points, what can be done to avoid overcalling them? How should linear echogenic foci be reported? 19:10
  • If there are more than 4 nodules, should the sonographers take images of all nodules? If not, how do they determine which ones to image? Are there exceptions to formally reporting no more than 4 nodules? 23:08
  • Should ACR TI-RADS be used in pediatric patients? 25:30
  • How do we distinguish spongiform nodules from mixed cystic and solid nodules, or solid nodules with minimal cystic components? 26:15
  • What are the exceptions to ACR TI-RADS? 30:01
  • How should we determine echogenicity, especially distinguishing iso from hypoechoic nodules? 37:04
  • If a nodule is truly round (i.e., not wider-than-tall or taller-than-wide), how should it be scored? 40:20
  • Is there a size below which a nodule cannot be accurately characterized? 42:08
  • What should be done if a nodule changes and receives a follow-up score that is higher than the scores of previously-followed nodules? 43:15
  • How should we handle patients who had US that were done prior to ACR TI-RADS and may have had more than four nodules followed? 44:00
  • In determining management, should the nodule’s largest measurement or an average of all three measurements be used? 45:19
  • What should we report for previously-biopsied nodules? 45:32
  • If there are two nodules with the same TR level, and one meets size criteria for FNA but the other does not, what recommendations should we provide? 46:25
  • Is ACR TI-RADS an accepted standard? 47:29
  • Should reports include a disclaimer stating that some cancers may be missed? 48:28
  • Why not give an overall ACR TI-RADS score to the thyroid, rather than individual nodules? 48:50
  • Where can the structured report be accessed? 49:37
  • Comments on adoption of ACR TI-RADS 52:58
  • How would you report a thyroid nodule that is known to be malignant (e.g. similar to BIRADS 6)? 54:45
  • Is there a specific definition for multinodular goiter in TI-RADS? Would you assign a TI-RADS category to nodules in MNG? 56:04
  • Additional Resources 58:26



Upcoming Webinars

About Part III: Why Adopt ACR TI-RADS?

This webinar will focus on evidence behind performance and why you should adopt ACR TI-RADS.

Who should attend?

  • Radiologists
  • Sonographers
  • Endocrinologists
  • Endocrine surgeons


Franklin N. Tessler
Franklin N. Tessler
Chair, ACR TI-RADS Steering Committee
William D. Middleton
William D. Middleton
Member, ACR TI-RADS Steering Committee
Jenny K. Hoang
Jenny K. Hoang
Member, ACR TI-RADS Steering Committee
follow @JennyKHoang
Participate on Twitter by tweeting your comments and questions using #ACRTIRADS during the webinar.