April 13, 2021

AAWR Virtual Speed Mentoring

By Ragni Jindal, MD

The American Association for Women in Radiology (AAWR) Speed Mentoring event for RSNA was very well-received! Conducted virtually in February 2021 using the WONDER platform, the event was sponsored by Bracco Diagnostics, who strongly advocates for women. The success of the event was truly a great example of an amazing team effort that executed a well-organized and informative session.

Over 100 young trainees signed up and attended the event which covered various current and relevant topics by some of the greatest leaders in the field of radiology. Our amazing panel of mentors was made up of AAWR members including past presidents — Dr. Lucy Spalluto and Dr. Elizabeth Kegan Arleo — as well as some prominent members of the ACR Commission for Women and Diversity.

Trainees had a chance to discuss the topics and ask questions at the end of each session. Our mentors were very generous with their time and some even stayed after the session to continue providing guidance and answer more questions. At the end of the session, our mentors shared a list of helpful resources for our trainees.

Dr. Susan Ackerman   Asking for What You Want
Dr. Elizabeth Kagan Arleo
 Goals We Set, Goals We Get
Dr. Catherine Everett
 Academic Versus Private Practice
Dr. Lori Deitte
 Well-Being and Work-Life Integration
Dr. Michele Johnson  Things I Wish I Would Have Known Earlier in My Career
Dr. Johnson Lightfoote
 Leadership and Professional Societies
Dr. Gail Morgan
 Battling Imposter Syndrome
Dr. Amy Patel
 Contract Negotiation
Dr. Lucy Spalluto
 Transition Into Practice
Dr. Cheri Canon
 Open for Questions

Suggested Readings/Resources


  1. Good to Great, Jim Colins
  2. Drive, Daniel Pink
  3. Start With Why, Simon Sinek
  4. Multipliers, Liz Wiseman

Getting Things Done

  1. Atomic Habits, James Clear
  2. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity eBook: Allen, David, Fallows, James: Kindle Store
    Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phone or tablet. Use features like bookmarks, notetaking and highlighting.
  3. 168 hours: You Have More Time Than You Think, Laura van der Kam
  4. Better Than Before (book and journal), Gretchen Rubin
  5. ToDoIst, the app


  1. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Carlson
  2. The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Heath
  3. Five Year Gratitude Journal; includes variable formats such as one moment at a time, one line per day

Difficult Conversations

  1. Crucial Conversations by Patterson, Greeny, McMillan and Switzler
  2. Difficult Conversations by Stone, Patton and Heen

Giving Presentations

  1. Presentation Zen by Reynolds

Imposter Syndrome

  1. Time magazine — Yes, Imposter Syndrome Is Real. Here’s How to Deal With It
  2. Winds of Change — Yes, You Really Do Belong: Getting on Top of Imposter Syndrome
  3. JAMA — Imposter Syndrome: Treat the Cause, Not the Symptom
  4. AAMC Students — Imposter Syndrome
  5. Healthmanagement.org — Confessions of a Female Radiologist