June 06, 2022

Letter From the Chair

Catherine Everett, MD, MBA, FACR

SRS: At an Exciting Crossroads

The ACR Senior and/or Retired Section launched in 2015 when a group of “feisty elderlies” approached David Kushner MD, FACR, a member of the Board of Chancellors and Chair of the Commission on Membership and Communications, to request our own section. We argued that if the youngsters (RFS) and sort-of youngsters (YPS) have a niche, we longstanding members should also have a niche. Dr. Kushner lobbied for BOC approval … and we were off!

In May 2016, the SRS hosted a panel discussion and networking event co-sponsored by the YPS. It was a great success — despite our challenges with non-working escalators, resulting in much creaking and groaning and huffing and puffing up the stairs to the main ballroom.

We also successfully launched this newsletter in 2016. And at the 2018 ACR Annual Meeting, the SRS co-hosted an armchair chat on Entrepreneurship with the RFS. Distinguished panelists Lawrence Muroff, MD, FACR, and John Lohnes Jr., MD, FACR, talked about their very successful endeavors starting businesses outside of clinical practice. The event was standing-room only, and questions stopped only when the microphones were silenced.

Over the next few years, the newsletter continued, but as the all-member meeting was no longer part of the annual meeting and COVID-19 appeared, SRS members had little opportunity to interact. In 2021, a revived SRS Steering Committee reconvened, and exciting things began to happen virtually. Ron Evens, MD, FACR, started serving as the newsletter editor, and the SRS sponsored a very successful webinar series on topics such as Navigating Medicare Enrollment, Professional Downsizing and Getting Your Affairs in Order.

And now, here we are in 2022 with a brand-new look for the SRS newsletter. As you enjoy the collection of art and stories, please consider volunteering to help us enhance the experience of our fellow SRS members. The current steering committee is looking for new volunteers, and the SRS needs you now more than ever!

For more information, please contact Eileen LaGreca at elagreca@acr.org.

Thank you,

– Catherine