July 20, 2021

The Birds of Svalbard

Andrew Berkow, MD, FACR

I have never considered myself a “photographer,” but I enjoy taking pictures on trips. One trip we took before COVID-19 was an exciting adventure to the Arctic. We visited the Norwegian Archipelago of Svalbard, a frigid group of Norwegian islands, home to many species of wildlife and a large variety of interesting birds.

Below are some of the more interesting and beautiful birds we encountered in the Svalbard Archipelago. In the future, I plan to show you the mammals, scenery and especially the polar bears!

Northern Fulmar

Black Legged Kittiwakes

Little Auk
Purple Sandpiper
Arctic Tern
Ringed Plover
Brunnich Guillemot (Thick Billed Murre)
Glaucous Gull

Arctic Skua 

Atlantic Puffin 

Barnacle Geese 

Snow Bunting

Eider Ducks 

Black Guillemots