ACR Bulletin

Covering topics relevant to the practice of radiology

News from the CSC: Reuniting and Reconnecting

Council business remains a significant priority at ACR 2022 and for the first time in two years, attendees will gather together in person in Washington, D.C.
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The networking portion of this annual meeting is so important, and there will be several opportunities for members to catch up with those they haven’t seen in the past two years.

—Amy L. Kotsenas, MD, FACR, Speaker, and Timothy A. Crummy, MD, FACR, Vice Speaker
March 24, 2022

To say that we’re excited to see each other in person in April, for the first time since ACR 2019, is an understatement. One of the best parts of the ACR annual meeting is the chance to catch up and connect with colleagues in the ACR community.

ACR Council business will be a significant priority from April 24–26 at the Washington Hilton. In this month’s column, we’ll give you a preview of the Council activities, educational programming, and networking opportunities that you can expect at ACR 2022, whether you plan to join us in person or virtually.

Participating in Council Business

While virtual participation is possible for the ACR 2022 meeting, in-person attendance is required to receive Council credentials to vote in ACR elections and on Council business. However, off-site attendees will be able to participate in the Reference Committee Open Hearings and question and answer sessions that accompany the Economics Forum and Moreton Lecture. Participants will be able to raise their hand, just like they would in person, to provide testimony at the open hearings, or ask questions following programming during the Council meeting. Here is a snapshot of some of the policy resolutions and bylaws amendments that we’ll be discussing at ACR 2022:

Practice Parameters and Technical Standards

At ACR 2021, the Council reviewed Resolution 1, “ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Standards (PP&TS) Refresh,” which proposed an abbreviated process for approval of the PP&TS. The resolution was referred to the CSC, with instructions to report back to the Council at ACR 2022. We formed a CSC Workgroup on Resolution 1, comprised of councilors and ACR members who have experience with the PP&TS process, along with ACR staff. Our ultimate goal is to devise an easily understood, logical, and inclusive method that does not significantly increase the time commitment of the PP&TS process on members or staff and, importantly, frees up time to debate more substantive issues on the Council floor.

Paid Family and Medical Leave

In the past, we’ve passed some resolutions related to this issue. This resolution focuses on the paid component. It’s asking practices to “strive” to find a way to provide paid leave for the radiologists who work in their practices to take time off to see to their own health or to help with caring for their families.

Radiology Leadership Institute® Anniversary

Navigating an increasingly complex practice environment requires an additional skillset that goes beyond traditional clinical training. The ACR recognized this need more than a decade ago, and in 2012 launched the Radiology Leadership Institute®. We will have an honorary resolution to celebrate the RLI marking a decade of educating strong leaders.

ACR Fellowship Waivers

There are instances when members are unable to come to the ACR annual meeting to receive their fellowship, either due to serious illness or significant life events. A proposed bylaws amendment outlines the process by which the ACR Fellowship Committee would authorize the Executive Committee of the BOC to approve waiver recommendations from the ACR Committee on Fellowship Credentials in order to grant waivers allowing fellowship to be bestowed on an individual outside of the Convocation.

Educational Sessions

On Sunday, April 24, there are a variety of sessions that attendees can participate in, in person or virtually. Leadership for the RFS and YPS have developed programming especially for their peers, and the Committee on Chapters will host the Chapter Leaders Workshop to provide relevant and timely information for chapter management. Five separate sessions will also be offered, four of which will provide an opportunity to earn CME. Topics will include “Building an Advocacy Culture in Your State,” “Building a Sustained Culture of Wellness from Top Down or Bottom Up,” “Succeeding in an Uncertain Future: Insights and Lessons from the Radiology Leadership Institute®,” “Radiation Oncology Advocacy,” and “A Cybersecurity Primer for Practicing Radiologists.”

Reconnecting With Colleagues

The networking portion of this annual meeting is so important, and there will be several opportunities for members to catch up with those they haven’t seen in the past two years. On Sunday, candidates in the 2022 ACR elections will be available for a meet and greet. Later that afternoon, the 2022 New Fellows, Honorary Fellows, and Gold Medalists will be recognized, with the Convocation streamed virtually for all attendees, family, and friends. The President’s Reception on Sunday evening and the RLI 10th Anniversary Reception on Monday evening are open to all attendees. As much as we would have loved to also reconnect with our colleagues on Capitol Hill, due to numerous and onerous Congressionally-mandated safety protocols in place, we had to make the difficult decision to cancel an in-person Hill Day as part of ACR 2022. The College will aim to have a virtual Hill Day later in 2022 when our legislative priorities are most likely to be debated in Congress.

Finally, we urge you to plan your meeting time to be with us through the end of the Council session on Tuesday afternoon and attend the RADPAC® gala on Tuesday evening. To accomplish all of the Council’s business, we need councilors to be present until all of the Council’s business is concluded. The Council is scheduled to meet until at least 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday.

Author By Amy L. Kotsenas, MD, FACR, Speaker, and Timothy A. Crummy, MD, FACR, Vice Speaker