ACR Bulletin

Covering topics relevant to the practice of radiology

A Sense of Community

As radiologists, we are just one part of a much larger and influential group charting the future and advancement of our profession.
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October 21, 2020

As we examine our direction, advocacy, and new programs at the ACR, we reflect upon who we serve. Certainly, we serve our members. Zooming out, our patients are central to our strategic plan. Zooming out further, our profession is also a vital focus — as well as our society as a whole. Most importantly, we recognize that we not only serve, but are part of, the larger community of radiology.

While diagnostic radiologists are an important part of our community, many other groups are integral to our success as an organization. And we could not function without the skills and contributions of those who make up our larger radiology community.

RTs are key to the success of our profession, both at work and in the non-clinical activities of individuals and their societies. The list of their contributions to delivering medical imaging care to our patients would exhaust the remainder of this column. We simply could not function as physicians without their expertise. When it comes to advocacy for our patients, we have a synergistic relationship in our local and national efforts. On a practice level, the pathways of advancement for RTs include becoming directors and administrators in our practices, if not our institutions. We recognize and applaud their talents and commitment to the profession.

Although radiation oncologists make up a small membership percentage of the ACR, our interests remain aligned in many ways. We have common roots, which have diversified as technology has flourished. Promoting radiology and radiation therapy for medical advancement benefits patients throughout the world.

Medical physicists are vital to the imaging and therapy that we provide as radiologists. They are central to our commitment to ensuring quality and safety. They are talented scientists who allow us to explore and innovate.

IRs are at the forefront of innovation and minimally invasive care for our practices. Despite the wide adoption by other specialties of techniques first developed by image-based interventionalists, IRs have continued to reimagine and innovate new therapies to maintain the subspecialty as core to our community.

Radiology-based administrators and practice managers are also key members of our community. They implement our commitment to delivering image-based medical care to our patients in safe, effective, and financially responsible environments.

Of course, and most importantly, the greater radiology community includes patients and all the family and friends of those who are part of, or who have been impacted by, the care that we provide. We dedicate ourselves to improving the quality of life of all those we serve. It is our commitment to providing quality care to those who are in need or vulnerable that sustains us as physicians.

Our community need not recognize borders. A more global perspective is appropriate when we consider our influence and impact. As the profile of radiology expands across the world, everyone in our community benefits. The ACR has a central role in this community of radiology. However, we recognize that we, as radiologists, are just one part of a much larger and influential group. We will have the most impact on the future and advancement of our profession as a unified collective. Acknowledging this role and the vast potential of our community is the goal of this special issue of the Bulletin.

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