ACR Bulletin

Covering topics relevant to the practice of radiology


Cover of April issue - man with ladder looking up at insurmountably steep stairs

In This Issue

  • OVERCOMING BARRIERS TO CARE: Opportunities to Take Action

    Radiologists are in a unique position to lead efforts to address health disparities and accommodate the needs of diverse patients.
  • The Unraveling of MIPS

    Radiologists should look for ways to incorporate measures that incentivize the reduction of disparities and improve patients’ access to high-quality care.
  • Overcoming Barriers to Care

    Every radiologist and radiology organization can play a part in ensuring that all patients have access to high-value imaging care.
  • Rural Repose

    Small town radiology needs strong local alliances and thoughtful recruitment strategies.
  • No-Visitor? No Fear

    COVID-19 ushered in an era of no-visitor healthcare, but what are the impacts on patients — and what can radiologists do to help?
  • Paying the Price

    A growing number of patients are avoiding critical care because they cannot afford it. Can radiologists help find the answer?
  • Health Equity: Radiology's Lane

    The ACR will serve as convener for the house of radiology to focus on the specialty’s unique opportunity to promote health equity.
  • Relative Value

    AMA’s RUC chair sees new role as a nod to radiology’s relevance within the house of medicine.
  • Looking Back, Looking Forward

    As the country passes the one-year mark of the onset of the pandemic, radiology leaders reflect on lessons learned and their hopes for the future.