ACR Learning Network FAQ

What is an improvement collaborative?

An improvement collaborative provides a vehicle for participants to support, encourage and learn best practices from each other to improve performance at their local institution. The ACR® Learning Network will consist of four improvement collaboratives, each led by a radiologist expert who will supervise improvement teams at four to six facilities.

The improvement collaboratives are:

How will the collaboratives work?

Participating teams will work to solve the same problem at their respective institutions, learning and sharing as they go, supported by the ACR ImPower structured improvement program. Teams participate in 10 learning sessions held over six months, learning systematic improvement methods while solving meaningful problems with lasting solutions.

Program elements include:

  • Flipped classroom model training with three to five 10-minute online tutorials assigned between sessions.
  • Tools and templates to support a successful, standardized approach to improvement using A3 Thinking.
  • Problem solving and change management support to solve the problem identified by the collaborative.
  • Platform for participants to support, encourage and learn best practices from each other.
  • Clear and objective project tracking to ensure project progress.

How does my institution sign up?

Visit the application page to learn about the steps for applying.

What will be required to participate?

Visit the general requirements page to learn about site readiness to participate in an improvement collaborative.