ACR Bulletin

Covering topics relevant to the practice of radiology


June cover - vintage robot thinking

In This Issue

  • Celebrating New Leadership

    At ACR 2021, a new panel of officers will govern the College.
  • A Unified Approach

    The ACR is working with other stakeholders and individual MACs to chart a path to reimbursement for FDG PET for Infection and Inflammation.
  • Thinking About AI?

    AI has become part of the radiologist’s day-to-day practice — and practices that delay implementing these tools may soon be left behind the curve.
  • Exploring FDA-Cleared Algorithms

    A better understanding of the training and validation parameters will help users understand potential biases and pitfalls that can arise in clinical use.
  • How are ACR Members Using AI?

    The ACR Data Science Institute® conducted its first annual survey of ACR members to understand how radiologists are using AI in clinical practice.
  • Exploring Quality Improvement

    The chair of the Commission on Q&S discusses the specialty’s opportunities to improve practices in meaningful and measurable ways.
  • Shared Prevention

    Collective colon cancer screening data is at radiologists’ fingertips.
  • Leaders Matter

    After more than a decade of research, a radiologist shares insights on managing physician burnout — including five ways leaders can support their teams.
  • Confronting the Pandemic

    Since March 2020, lost imaging examinations have slowly recovered — but they still haven’t reached expected levels.