ACR Bulletin

Covering topics relevant to the practice of radiology

Celebrating New Leadership

At ACR 2021, a new panel of officers will govern the College.
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As we celebrate the diversity that our elected leaders represent, we also recognize and respect the inclusive nature of our specialty and the College.

June 01, 2021

Every year, at the end of the annual meeting, the ACR undergoes a scheduled transition of elected officers to ensure a rotation of ideas and innovation in the oversight and governance of the College. This year, despite the meeting taking place virtually once again, that same transition in leadership will take place.

Beverly G. Coleman, MD, FACR, is our new president. Dr. Coleman is well-known to the BOC, CSC, and the College through her many years of service to the ACR and the profession. Most recently, she served as chair of the ACR Commission on US for six years, from 2014 to 2020. Dr. Coleman has represented the College and the profession through many challenging negotiations as US transitions to handheld extensions of the stethoscope. She has a well-earned reputation as a passionate advocate of radiology, US, and the ideals of the College. Dr. Coleman has an incredible list of accolades and accomplishments that establish her as an international luminary in fetal imaging. Currently, she serves as professor emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania and director of fetal imaging in the Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Coleman and her department are at the epicenter of implementing the ideals of Imaging 3.0® in their interactions with expectant parents and ultra-specialized referring physicians. Dr. Coleman is widely recognized for her advocacy and passion for her students and her patients. We are fortunate to have such a remarkable talent as an integral part of the College. Dr. Coleman will now represent us on both domestic and international stages. If you listen closely, another glass ceiling is breaking as we elect a Black woman to be ACR president.

Dana H. Smetherman, MD, MPH, MBA, FACR, is our new treasurer. She is transitioning from her role as chair of the ACR Commission on Breast Imaging, where she did a fantastic job representing the life-saving benefits of mammography and breast imaging. Dr. Smetherman is highly qualified to be a steward for our longstanding commitment to financial stewardship, accountability, and transparency. She also serves as chair of the Ochsner Medical Center’s department of radiology — along with an extensive list of other responsibilities. Her remarkable talent, experience, and training deliver the leadership skills that will continue to advance our financial expertise. She will be a valued contributor to our executive team.

Amy L. Kotsenas, MD, FACR, is our new Council speaker. Dr. Kotsenas brings a wealth of skills as she takes on the responsibilities of representing our Council, running our annual meeting, leading the CSC, and joining the executive leadership of the College. She has distinguished herself at the College, especially through leadership in IT and the emerging field of integrated diagnostics. Interestingly, she credits the Radiology Leadership Institute® for preparing her for her leadership roles. With her long list of accomplishments and leadership expertise, she serves as a mentor and exemplar for a long line of future leaders.

Please raise a virtual glass and help us welcome the next iteration of ACR leaders.

James V. Rawson, MD, FACR, is our new vice president. Dr. Rawson has done an outstanding job as our treasurer — taking on several challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. He leaves us in a secure financial position. Dr. Rawson and the finance team implemented a series of innovations and improvements that continue to serve the College and present a sound foundation as we move forward. Dr. Rawson has continuously distinguished himself as an innovator and a leader at the Medical College of Georgia and now at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. His advice and experience will be highly valued.

Jacqueline A. Bello, MD, FACR, and I serve as vice chair and chair, respectively. Dr. Bello, who serves as director of neuroradiology at Montefiore Medical Center and professor of radiology and neurosurgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, previously served as chair of the ACR Commission on Quality and Safety. She will also champion the Radiology Health Equity Coalition to eliminate health disparities across healthcare. We will have the opportunity to celebrate Dr. Bello’s transition to chair at ACR 2022. The vice speaker role is a contested election and results are not yet known at the time of this writing (see sidebar). We are fortunate to have excellent candidates for the Council to consider.

Please raise a virtual glass and help us welcome the next iteration of ACR leaders. I look forward to working with and learning from them, as individuals and as a team. They are each incredibly talented and immensely qualified to lead us. On behalf of each new officer, we are humbled by the confidence placed in us by the Board and Council. As we celebrate the diversity that our elected leaders represent, we also recognize and respect the inclusive nature of our specialty and the College. Despite the polarized world around us, we come together in the spirit of unity. Irrespective of color, gender, or age, we are fortunate that this panel of leaders are willing and enthusiastic to volunteer their time and expertise so that we, together as a profession, can continue to advance the science of medical imaging.

Author Howard B. Fleishon, MD, MMM, FACR  BOC chair